A man carrying a toddler

Additional help for parents

At Acorns we hope to get to know each other well enough to support one another in the challenges of parenting. Our parenting discussion group is a great forum to chat about issues such as toddler tantrums, sibling rivalry, discipline, sleep problems and so forth with other parents and carers facing the same issues. Please contact us for more information.

We also recognise that it is important to have “time off” from our children. With that in mind we have social evenings once a term for Acorns parents and carers, where we meet for a coffee and have uninterrupted conversations! Contact us for more information.

A number of Acorns parents have asked for a thanksgiving or dedication service for their children, so we offer the opportunity to discuss what that service means, and plan it together. At this service we recognise that children are given to us from God and that we are thankful for them and need his help in bringing them up.