“I do not seek to understand so that I can believe, but I believe so that I may understand; and what is more, I believe that unless I do believe, I shall not understand.”
What you believe matters because what you believe affects how you live. The Bible is a pretty big book, so you can imagine that as Christians we believe quite a lot!
But when we bubble it all down we would say that the heart of the Bible’s message is this
God loves us and wants to be loved in return.
You don’t need to accept that to come to CBC. You are welcome whether you come agreeing, disagreeing, or undecided.
In fact, we would go further than that and say that we hope that the people you meet and any events you might come to make you sufficiently welcome to explore what you believe in a “safe environment” – free from any pressure to have to conform before you can be part of our community of members and friends.
Having said all that, if you would still like to know more about what we believe…