A man holding a Bible

Becoming a Christian

Becoming a Christian means becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. But how do you do that?

Becoming a Christian is not like becoming a member of a club by signing on the dotted line, or by paying the membership fee, or by going through a ritual initiation. Instead, it is more like entering a lifelong relationship.

Becoming a Christian is committing to a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ, God the Son: a commitment to learn from him and obey him for the rest of your life, as best as you are able, with God’s help.

No-one sensible rushes into a lifelong relationship unless they are confident about what they are doing. That doesn’t mean you have to be 100% sure – many a happily married man or woman had a doubt or two at the altar! But it does mean being confident enough to take a step of faith and trust.

If you are ready for that, then there is nothing to stop you from becoming a Christian, and the How does a person become a Christian? page on the bethinking.org website can help you with this. The website is also a useful place to go if you have questions about faith. Why not explore its articles and videos if you have questions?

Alpha is another great place to explore the Christian faith. You would be very welcome to join us for our next course.

At whatever the stage of your journey, we pray that you will find what you are looking for, and if you would like some help in your search then do get in touch.