A National Day of Prayer

In a time of uncertainty one thing we know we can do, along with God’s people all across the country, is pray. This Sunday, as a church we want to join in with a National Day of prayer and action that has been called for by The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, along with Churches Together in England and the Evangelical Alliance.

We are invited to place a candle in our windows at 7pm as a sign that we are praying and a declaration that Jesus is the light of the world. Why not gather together with those in your house, or if you live on your own link up with others from the church virtually and pray together.

To help your prayers, here are some prayer points:

  • Pray for our political, scientific and health leaders.

  • Pray for the well being of the vulnerable in our community.

  • Pray for those working on a Coronavirus vaccine and other crucial scientific developments.

  • Pray for those in our community whose frontline is the NHS, and their colleagues.

  • Pray for other key workers as they continue to serve our community.

  • Pray for God’s peace for one another and our neighbours at this time.

Click here for the children’s work handout

Andy Morgan