Chichester Foodbank

A big thank you to you all!

The Chichester Foodbank have written to all the churches to thank everyone for their support during this very difficult time. We are very aware that here at CBC many of you have been helping the Foodbank both financially and in other ways too, so we have simply copied their message of appreciation below. As and when we become aware of any new specific needs from the Foodbank, we will of course let you know.

Here is the message from the Foodbank…

“We want to give a massive thank you to all of you who have gone above and beyond to give, whether through money or through food donations. We have been blown away by the communities' generosity at this hard time and couldn't do the work we do without your support. 

Every donation, every person who's offered to volunteer, who's offered their car or some extra goods, every comment and every share is appreciated and valued. We are so grateful, as are the individuals and families that we are able to help because of YOU. 

We are living through the most bizarre and strange times that have been seen in a generation, but we are continually encouraged by the good news stories and the heart of communities being generous, kind and loving to those in need. 

Stay safe everyone, and thank you again! “

The Foodbank Team.

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Paul Woodfield