Helpful and Hopeful Resources 1

Hi all

There are currently so many online thoughts, videos and messages related to Covid-19, aren’t there?

Some are helpful.

Some are hopeful.

And some, quite frankly are probably harmful!

We thought we might use this blog space to drop in some useful go-to resources which you can access.

They will be a mixture of prayers, praise, practical suggestions, principles and possibilities.

If you spot anything you think we should be aware of please send a message to the office or one of the staff team. We won’t promise to post everything but we’d love to know what you are finding encouraging at this time.

To get the ball rolling - two suggestions:

A friend of mine Ruth Rice heads up the charity Renew Wellbeing and is posting a Daily Dose video with helpful principles and practical suggestions for staying emotionally and spiritually on track during this season. This link should take you to today’s video. From there you should be able to navigate to others.

Secondly, here’s a download book called Socially Distant. You have to register with the website Proost to get it but it’s a free resource. Tim Watson has created Poetry, Prayer and Postures for the Isolated. A morning and evening prayer rhythm, prayers for ourselves and others - I love the fact that there are prayers for shop workers, for school staff, for delivery drivers as well as medical professionals and more.

More suggestions to follow