Services and midweek meetings cancelled

In the light of the latest announcements from the government and the directives given, we are ceasing all midweek gatherings and Sunday services from today. 

This is a sad decision but the right one as we seek to follow advice and take the guidance we are given. 

In the coming days there will be more to share but for now here are some things to note: 

  • Each Sunday we will have pre-recorded and uploaded a short service for you to watch and participate in. The services will be posted in this section of the website.

  • The church phone line will be manned every day between 10-11am for anyone to ring in and one of the staff team will be here to talk.  Whether it's for prayer, a chat, to share a concern about someone else, or a particular need.  Do make use of that. The staff are obviously available other times too via email and home phones.

  • Home groups and other smaller gatherings won't be meeting in person but those who want to can consider online options of meetings (like Zoom) and we will give more details of how this could work in future communication. 

  • We are looking at what a pastoral support network looks like in the days ahead. If any of you could help with either being a phone buddy (willing to ring and make contact with those who are isolated) or available to do errands, please sign up for that via ChurchSuite or here so we know you're willing. 

There will be other things to share and make available to you in the coming days as we work out what it looks like to be church family, stay connected and to be good news to our community.  

We know these are anxious times for many and want to be particularly attentive to the vulnerable and those in need. As we know church is not the building or indeed the services, but it is us the people!  God is with us and will lead us forwards. In these uncertain times we trust Him, the Rock of Ages. 

Do get in touch if we can help in any way,

Ellen and the staff team.

Roger Hubert