Roadmap for Life - Direction (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 21st June.

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

Read Numbers 9: 15-23

How does this passage make you think, feel, respond?

Have you ever had an experience of living life constantly on the move? What was it like?

The Israelites received clear directions from God on when to move and when to stay. Think back to a time when you asked God for direction? Encourage a few people in the group to share their experiences.

Many people find seeking direction from God a difficult part of Christian discipleship? How does God lead you, what does it look like?

A key element of the experience of direction for the Israelites came out of their experience of God being present/dwelling with them.  Why is this so important in the story and how does God’s presence change things?

For God’s direction to be followed, the Israelites needed to be willing to be led.  Why can we find this openness to God’s direction so difficult? How can we address this?

Does this passage speak into our present situations?

Spend some time praying for:

Individuals within your group who are seeking direction from God in their lives

Pray for our church as we discern together the direction that God is taking us