Roadmap for Life - Victory (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 19th July.

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.


1. You might like to begin with a recap the last 4 themes in the Roadmap for Life series: Encounter, Direction, Provision & Choices.

Has anything stood out to you? Common themes coming through? New insights?

Read Joshua 6:1-21

Make some time for general comments or observations

2. Before our reading Joshua has a personal encounter with God: Joshua 5: 13-15. How does this meeting help you understand Joshua’s actions in the next chapter?

3. What do we learn about God’s nature and His relationship with his people here in this story?

4. We can notice the theme of God’s victory for His people in the Old Testament with the saving work of Jesus in the New Testament. How would we summarise the victory that we have in Christ?

1 Corinthians 15:50-57 and 1 John 5:1-5 may help.

Ellen made three points of application about finding victory in the face of obstacles to our faith.

Trusting in the past-tense promises of God

5. Are there any promises in the Bible that are particularly special to you to share? Do you have specific promises God has given you in the past?

Obedience when it doesn’t make sense

6. Humanly, God’s plan wouldn’t have made any sense to the people.

The victory belonged to the Lord but the people had responsibility. Discuss this partnership between God’s plan and our obedience.

Discipline when it is the last thing you feel like

The people were commanded to be silent for the 6 days of marching Joshua 6: 9-11

7. Why do you think this was? Why is discipline part of the life of a believer and how can we grow in this?

Spend time in prayer together, especially about any seemingly insurmountable walls that people may be facing. And that we would live in the victory of Jesus through faith, discipline and obedience.