Finding God in the in-between places (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 25th May

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. What is the in-between place that you find yourself in during this lockdown season? 

Share together about the particular challenges that that brings. Are there other examples of challenges not represented in your group that you could think about and pray through later? 

Read our passage Numbers 11:4-17. 

The people of God experienced their own ‘in-between place’ as they wandered the desert before getting to the promised land.   

2. What are some similarities with their story and our current experience, and what might be some differences? 

3. Ellen pointed out that the people complained about God and about the situation, but Moses brought his complaint to God in prayer. Does this change how we think about dealing with our difficulties? 

4. God had promised the Israelites freedom earlier in Exodus 3:8: “I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey.” What are some of God’s promises to us that we can hold on to during this season? 

5. Ellen said that trust grows one step at a time.  We learn to trust big by the daily choices to trust small. In what ways are you trying to trust God one day at a time? How we can grow in trust during times of uncertainty? 

6. Ellen suggested that we will never ‘go back to normal’ because God will change us and lead us differently from here. What do you feel about the concept of ‘pressing reset’ as we think about the future, both individually and as a church? 

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