Yield (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 11th May

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1 In what ways do the examples that follow help our understanding of yielding?

•        At a road traffic accident, a motorist performing basic first aid on another motorist gives way to the doctor arriving on the scene.

•        A wrestler finds himself in an unbearable lock and submits to his opponent.

•        A young woman gives up her seat on the bus for an elderly gentleman.

•        An exhausted traveller takes off his heavy rucksack and lies down to rest.

•        A craftsman selects a branch of yew to fashion a medieval bow.

2. No-one has been more in touch with God's will than Jesus, but he prayed to his heavenly father for guidance (Luke 6:12-13). What do you need God's guidance for at this time? How will you get it?

3. The Lord's Prayer is sandwiched between phrases about God knowing our needs (Matthew 6:8, 31-33)? Why do you think he asks us to pray for daily bread when he knows we need it?

4. In Luke 18:9-14 Jesus contrasts someone who yields in prayer with someone else who doesn't.  How should this story shape how we pray?

5. The story of Samson in Judges 16 is a sobering tale of a man overcome by his desires. Why did he fall?

6. Perhaps there is no better summary of yielding in prayer than Romans 12:1, in which Paul commands, "Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God." Carry this thought into your prayers for yourself, for the others in your group, and for the wider world.

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