Come, See (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 10th May

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

Small Group Study, week commencing 10th May

1. What has your experience of meeting friends or family face to face as lockdown has eased? What difference have you noticed when you compare it to Zoom or Facetime?

2. Have you ever had someone you want help from say to you “let’s meet”, or “Come and see me.” What reaction has it produced in you?

Read John 1:19-39 (Our focus is on verses 35-39)

3. Check the sequence: how many days were there in this passage? What about to the end of the chapter? (We’ll avoid the question for the whole chapter because the first few verses pre-date creation!)

4. If you had been Jesus, would you have been disappointed with the lack of immediate reaction from John the Baptist’s followers? (verses 29-34)

5. Andrew and (probably) John (who was to become the apostle & author if this gospel) were at this time disciples of John the Baptist. What do you think was the level of their belief or understanding (see Matthew 3:1-12)? What was missing?

6. In our sequence, what day do the events of verses 35-39 occur on? What might have made the difference to the response of Andrew and John on this day?

7. Discussion with Jesus down by the River Jordan might have got disturbed by the crowds. The invitation from Jesus to pay him a visit meant quality time with Jesus free from distraction. What do you do to separate from distraction to spend time ‘seeing’ (interacting with) Jesus?

8. If you hear Jesus saying to you, “Come and see,”, what reaction does it provoke?

Author: Ian Crossley

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