Come, Rest (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study week commencing 17th May

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. As an opener share together what images and phrases come to mind when you hear the word ‘rest’. Are they helpful or unhelpful in thinking about our rest in Jesus and a biblical perspective of rest?

2. Re-read the passage from Sunday which is Matt 11:25-30

What does it mean that Jesus invites us to a place of rest in Him, as part of our relationship with Him?

Reflect together on the imagery of a yoke. Ellen linked to Acts 15:10 at the Council of Jerusalem where Peter talks about the yoke, and that the Gentile Christians don’t need to live under Jewish laws and rules.

What does it mean that the yoke of Jesus is easy and light?

3. Ellen pointed to the phrase describing Jesus’ heart in Matt 11: 29 where Jesus describes himself as ‘gentle and humble in heart’?

Biblically, the heart doesn’t refer to someone’s emotional life but to the centre of’s what directs and defines us. What do we learn about Jesus, then, from this phrase?

4. Rest is countercultural. How? What message does biblical rest send to the world?

5. Are there personal changes and decisions you are considering to build a better margin in your life post-Covid?

6. What might it look like to offer the rest of Jesus to a tired and weary world?

Pray for one another around this theme.

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