Come, Drink (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study week commencing 24th May

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

The Invitation: ‘Come, Drink’ John 7:37-43

1.   Andy outlined the context of the invitation to Come and Drink taking place at the festival of tabernacles. What was this festival was about? * 

2.   What was the drink that Jesus was offering? (v37-39) 

3.   How do you think the hearers understood this invitation and how can we, with the help of John’s narration in v39, understand this? 

4.   Why had the Holy Spirit not yet been given (v39)? Unpack why this needed to happen before the Holy Spirit was given? 

5.   Who is this invitation for, both then and now? 

6.   Having heard this invitation, what were the different responses described in v40-44 and why do you think this was? 

7.   Last Sunday, was Pentecost Sunday, when we remember that God poured out his spirit on the believers to equip and empower them to share the gospel and live for Jesus. When did you last pray, Holy Spirit come and fill me? Spend some as a group doing this. 

 *Notes for group leader 

Jesus issues the invitation to come and drink at one of the favourite settings for the Jewish community. The festival of tabernacles (7:2). Jesus has initially not gone to the festival, and then gone incognito before appearing and teaching publicly towards the end of this festival. This festival celebrated the ingathering of the harvest and recalled God’s provision for his people in the wilderness, both of food, [manna and quail], but also water including water that sprung from the rock that Moses stroke (Numbers 20). At this festival many of the Jews would stay in temporary structures of leaves and branches to remind them of God’s historical provision in the desert.  

As part of this festival daily water drawing and lamp lighting took place in the temple. The water drawing reminded God’s people of his provision in the desert but also anticipated the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the coming of the kingdom of God.  

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