Come, Give (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 31st May.

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

Read the story about the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18-30.

Luke doesn’t say he was young, but Matthew does, see Matthew 19:20.

  1. Jesus quotes commandments 5-9 of the 10 Commandments in response to the young man's question. Why do you think he chose those five?

  2. Was Jesus’ request to the young man to sell everything he had a reasonable one? Why (not)?

  3. Do you think Jesus is telling all of his disciples, including us, to sell up? Why (not)?

  4. We interpret some of Jesus’ commands as being just for the disciples there and then (“Don’t leave Jerusalem”, Acts 1:4) and others for disciples of all times, including us (“Go and make disciples”, Matthew 28:19). How do we tell the difference?

  5. In his talk Roger suggests that this passage is more about discipleship generally than money specifically. Do you agree?

  6. Discipleship is about following Jesus and learning from him. What things might be getting in the way of your discipleship? What thing might you have to give up for the sake of the Kingdom?