The Problem

1. A large area in the Molo District has been adversely affected by a devastating worm that attacked the maize plants after the crops were starting to produce corn cobs. Due to climate conditions following a period of drought, followed by rain (outside of the normal expected rain patterns), the specific worm (name to be confirmed) became rife and caused the plants to die and bear no harvest.

2. The Mukinyai Primary School (MPS) community had independently fed 300 children two meals a day for FIVE terms without any financial contribution from Feeding Futures.

3. Sidai Primary School community are thankfully unaffected by the devastating worm.

4. We wish to support MPS so that they can continue to provide sustainable school meals after this crisis is resolved.

The Effects for the Mukinyai Community

1. As the school term begins there is minimal maize in the store which would now be full had the maize grown to maturity.

2. MPS community spent precious energy, and time on crops for the school meals, but have no maize to harvest, although their beans did well.

3. The maize in all the area has failed so that each family will have lost their staple food supply for the year. Maize is expensive to purchase whilst incomes will fall as any excess income from sales has been wiped out.

4. Bearing in mind that there is no welfare state, an added problem is a serious cost-of-living crisis fuelled my rising inflation which has created much unrest within the population.

5. Crop failure is a huge loss. Due to inflation and greatly reduced income, purchasing seed for next year’s crop poses a challenge both for the community and the school children.

6. Losing school meals will likely return them to hunger and the risk of impact on school attendance, education and health is immense.

MPS response

1. We understand that the MPS School Governors has had an emergency meeting and agreed to raise the contribution that parents give to provide school meals.

2. They are ready to increase the size of the land they farm and try new short- term crops but have no money to buy seeds or other inputs.

3. Advice from the Ministry of Agriculture has been requested but it appears that assistance to provide financial or other support is unavailable.

Feeding Futures’ response to Mukinyai urgent assistance following worm maize damage.

1. Our first response has been to pray about the crisis for MPS.

2. Whilst we wish to compassionately support MPS in this crisis, we still wish to hold firmly to the principal of partnership, each having specified responsibilities thus avoiding total dependency on others.

3. We propose to provide a proportion of the food ingredients for this term and seed for the school to grow short term crops for early harvest that could be available early in 2024.

4. Our estimates for this support are in the region of £5,000. This may need to increase significantly if the next crops don’t do well.

5. Please join us in praying for God’s heart and wisdom as we consider our response.

6. Please also pray for financial provision as none of this was expected in our already tight budgets.

Prayer for Colin’s visit to Kenya 4th – 22nd September 2023

The Mukinyai situation is a priority for prayer as indicated above. However, the planned agenda still needs to be addressed and requires prayer throughout the visit for: -

1. Safe travel, health and wisdom for the Kenyan team, and Colin.

2. Jenni in my absence.

3. Cultural understanding and clear communication.

4. Team building and skill profiling.

5. Resolving numerous IT challenges.

6. Efficient working practices and transfer of data work from UK to Kenya as an office manager learns the ropes.

7. A successful transition of accounting from UK to Kenya.

8. Multiple and diverse visits and meetings with

a. County and District partners (who see us as partners).

b. The Clergy group formed at the launch and who encourage their congregations to work as partners.

c. Head teachers, school staff and children at Sidai and the three other schools where we support the school curriculum in farming practices.

d. Parents and other members of the community who are essential for future sustainability.

8. Reviewing progress and development of the school meals provision for 350 children, and progress on the Sidai shamba (school garden).

9. Progressing the Munanda Tree Nursery business plan.

10. Reviewing progress on opportunities of Corporate Social Responsibility to provide in-country funding for Feeding Futures.