Renew Together

At Chichester Baptist Church we have set up a wellbeing space called ‘Renew Together’ in partnership with the national charity, Renew Wellbeing ( ).

It is a space open to anyone aged 18+ where you can enjoy a chat, a hobby or a range of other activities in a peaceful and safe community setting. (There is no charge to attend.)

As well as offering activities such as craft, puzzles, board games and more, we also follow a simple rhythm of prayer. So, a short part of the session includes a time to stop and pray together. As with all the activities, this is kept optional for those who attend, yet people of all faiths and none have often found this a helpful and calming aspect of a Renew space.

The space is open from 10:00-12:00 on the 3rd Sunday of the month [apart from August when we take a break]. We meet at The Transformation Centre (formerly known as Chichester Family Church) – 21 Orchard Street, Chichester, PO19 1DD – and tea, coffee and cake is provided free of charge. If you are interested in coming along to see what it’s like, or just want to find out more, please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.