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Retired Men’s Group (RMG)

The Retired Men’s Group provides opportunities for retired men, and those nearing retirement, to meet on a regular basis. They have just produced a leaflet that explains a lot more about their vision, aims and purposes and much more.

Different events are arranged to enable various issues and challenges to be considered as we face retirement and as we grow older. The Group seeks to support, stimulate and encourage retired Christian men in their continuing discipleship in older years.

The type of events varies from month to month and can include:

  • Morning or evening meetings with talks and discussions. These are sometimes addressed by a visiting expert in the particular topic being considered.

  • Walks in the local area always with a break for refreshments!

  • Visits to places of interest and social occasions when others may also be invited.

We hope that you can come on some or all of these events. 

For any more information, please contact us!