Concerns substantiated in Mike Pilavachi investigation (September 2023)

You may remember that back in May we shared the below update on Mike Pilavachi, while an investigation was still going on about safeguarding concerns that had been raised about the former Soul Survivor leader. We thought it only right to update you that the concerns raised have been substantiated.  You can read more about this here.

As many in our church went along to Soul Survivor events, we know this may be upsetting and unsettling for many, as it has been for us, and we remain available to listen and support those affected by this news. Please do join us in praying for those directly affected by this, and for Soul Survivor Church.

Andy and Ellen

A response to recent allegations involving Mike Pilavachi (May 2023)

Some of you may be aware that Mike Pilavachi, the founder of the Soul Survivor festivals, has been suspended from his leadership role with Soul Survivor church Watford, and has stepped back from all his ministry roles following some safeguarding allegations that have been made about him. This may be news to some of you, and you can read the statement from the church about the situation.

While an investigation is going on, it is not our place to speculate on the details of the allegations that have been raised but along with many other Christian organisations we felt it was right to communicate something with our church family. Especially as this has had high profile coverage in the national press and on social media.

We recognise that whenever someone raises a concern, particularly about a leader, it takes courage to do this, something that should be commended. That should always be taken seriously and we are glad that a full investigation is taking place.

We want to acknowledge that this news can be hard to process. For leaders, parents and young people (many now well into adulthood) who attended Soul Survivor this may stir up a whole range of emotions. News like this can be sad and unsettling whether we are directly affected or not. It can cause some to question their own faith experiences.

We understand this but also want to acknowledge that God can and does speak and move through broken people and imperfect situations and we have witnessed the positive effect that these events have had on many of us over the years.

We also recognise that news like this can be triggering and can bring back memories of personal abuse that may have happened to us. It might remind us of painful and traumatic experiences. This article by YouthScape is a helpful place to think more about some of the issues this news brings. It could be helpful for youth leaders, young people, adults and parents, when thinking about how to respond, and process this news, whilst we wait for some clarity on the situation which we hope will come when the investigation is concluded.

We wanted to let you know that Andy communicated about this with both our sixth form age group and our 18-25s last week and is eager to be available to help others process this news. We also wanted to acknowledge the sadness and reality of this situation with the wider church, knowing many will have been at Soul Survivor events over the years, or have children who attended these events. Ellen mentioned this situation in her message on 21st May, and we have written this short message to help communication with the wider church family too.

Sadly churches and Christians are not immune to abuse of various kinds taking place and we are committed to offering support to those who need it. As ministers, we want you to know we are available to listen and support if you have found this news distressing. If you need wider support then the organisation is a helpful place for signposting and advice and our safeguarding team can be contacted too via

We are praying for all those who may be affected by this news. Do speak to one of us if that would be helpful.

With our love and prayers,

Andy and Ellen