Empty CBC Building

From Sunday 5th September onwards there will no longer be any need to book in for services here. For those who want to, there is of course still the option to check in using your phone with the QR code signs prominently displayed at our main entrance.

We are also resuming our weekly evening services. The message in the evening service will be a repeat of the morning message. The morning services will continue to be live streamed, but our evening services won’t be.

All our regular children’s groups are also meeting from Sunday 5th September. Children and young people should go straight to their groups when they arrive through the main doors.

We anticipate that there will still be plenty of spaces and we  recommend that individuals and family groups leave a one seat gap between others.

Anyone who is concerned about the likely larger numbers of people in our morning services, of course has the option to come to our evening services which we anticipate will be smaller in numbers. If you don’t have a preference, you might like to opt for the evening service to help us manage numbers.

For September we continue to plan to have refreshments outside.

Our approach to mask wearing remains the same for now.  Just to remind you of this...

Although the wearing of face masks inside church is no longer a legal requirement, we will be encouraging people still to wear masks inside church when moving around and when singing. They can be removed when seated and listening for example during the message, prayers, notices etc.  This of course will still be a matter of individual choice.

We would love to welcome you to in-person church at the start of this new term and new series and look forward to seeing you.