Appendix 2

Resolution re General Baptist Chapels and Endowments

At a duly convened Meeting of the Members of the Congregation of the ............................................., held on the ............. day of ............................ 1916, it was Resolved as follows:-

That this Meeting of the said Congregation, having had explained to it the Compromise arranged between the Baptist Union, the General Baptist Assembly, and the British and Foreign Unitarian Association, hereby expresses its approval of such compromise in so far as it affects this Congregation; and empowers the British and Foreign Unitarian Association and the General Baptist Assembly to take such steps as in their opinion may be necessary or desirable for the purpose of giving effect to such Compromise, including any alterations in any Trust affecting or relating to the said Congregation or the Chapel, schoolroom, or other lands and buildings and endowments used by or held for the benefit of the said Congregation, or any member or members thereof, or of its minister, organist, or choir, or otherwise in connexion with the said Congregation, for the purpose of freeing such Trusts from any restrictions which require the holding or profession of any particular theological belief or the use of any particular form of worship or ceremony, and to the intent that the said Chapel and buildings used by the said Congregation may be held in Trust for the Worship of God, and for the religious, moral and intellectual improvement of the Congregation for the time being worshipping there, and for its general benevolent objects.

Signed) .....................................................................Chairman of the Meeting

(Address) .........................................................................................................

(Signed) .............................................................Secretary of the Congregation

(Address) ........................................................................................................