Appendix 4

Covenant of Membership

Covenant of Membership adopted at the formation of Chichester Baptist Church in 1951, to which all members are required to subscribe.

“(i) Having accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour, and acknowledging Him to be my Lord and Master, I will endeavour, by His Holy Spirit, and in obedience to the Holy Scriptures, to honour Him in thought, word and deed.

(ii) I recognise my responsibility, as a member of that part of the Church known as the Chichester Baptist Church,•to pray constantly for the Minister, Office-bearers and members.•to maintain and strengthen the bond of fellowship between the members•to attend its services and meetings as often as possible•to give it such support as God will enable me

(iii) As a Christian and a Church Member, I will do all within my power to extend the Kingdom of God at home and abroad.”

It has been the practice to read this Covenant at the Communion Table each time a new member is received into the fellowship of the Church, partly as a public assent to the Covenant on the part of the new member and partly as a reminder to existing members of their own assent to it.

Those new members who are willing are invited to sign their names in a Membership Roll contained in a bound book, inscribed with the Covenant by Mr. Norman Pritchard.