Appendix 7

Proposed Extensions 2000

(Second Edition)

Reference was made in Chapter 26 to the commencement of two morning services from January 1993. Soon after, discussions were commenced regarding the possibility of extending the main worship area to accommodate about 350 people and some additional rooms to replace the temporary ‘portakabin’.It was eventually agreed that a new main worship area be built to the south side of the existing building and a new main entrance on the north side, with additional rooms adjacent to the North Hall for youth work and other activities of the church and neighbourhood.

An architect’s impression of the new building is shown in the photograph section.

Planning approval was given to these proposals in 2000, estimated to cost about £500,000 and the church concurrently set about ways and means of raising the necessary capital. By 31st March, 2001 £566,000 had been raised in gifts and pledges and a loan of £350,000 agreed by the Baptist Union Corporation.

The building contract was awarded to Underwoods of Fontwell after final plans were completed by Messrs Evans Grant of Fareham and our own member Alastair Mallett. The programme and organisation of contracts was done by Green Associates and thw actual building work commenced on 6th August 2001 with a total contract price of £616,000.

The new building was in use in February 2002.