Bible story

Sunday Mornings for 0 - 10’s

We have four-age specific groups who meet after 10-15 minutes of being in the main church service on a Sunday morning.

In these groups, we hope to help the children become rooted in God's word and rooted in the wider church family.

They begin with simple Bible stories in Shoots and as they progress through the groups, we encourage the children to think through their own faith; exploring the big picture story of the Bible, who Jesus is and how what we learn can be applied to our lives. Craft, games, prayer and time to get to know each other are also part of our mornings. 

On the third week of the month, Seedlings and Saplings have 'Prayer and Praise Sundays' where we dedicate a whole session to prayer and worship. Once a half term we also have 'Treetop Sundays' where we look up and out, exploring things bigger and wider than ourselves, such as creation care, the persecuted church and organisations that work with those in need around the world.

The age groups are as follows:

  • Creche is for newborn to 2 years old

  • Shoots is for children aged 2-4 years old

  • Seedlings is for children who are in Reception, year 1 and 2 at school

  • Saplings is for children who are in years 3, 4 and 5 at school

The staff and volunteers who work with our children are all DBS checked. We ask the Parents/Carers of every child that attends one of our groups/events to fill in a Consent Form