Introducing 40 Days of Prayer

“When you pray …” – Jesus

In the approaching season of Lent, we would like to call our church family to pray. In the video below, Ellen introduces 40 Days of Prayer, and explains how you can get involved. Below the video, there is a textual introduction covering similar points.

We hope you can join us in prayer this Lent.


There is never a bad time to pray.  

But sometimes it feels like a good time to spend more time in prayer, and it currently feels like one of those times. That’s why we are committing to 40 Days of Prayer, starting Wednesday, 17th February. 

At its heart, 40 Days of Prayer is a call to join the CBC family to pray in different ways over the Lent period. 

On each of the 40 days of Lent, from Monday to Saturday, there will be a ‘prayer post’ on the CBC Blog. Each prayer post will follow a set theme for the week, and could be a video, some on-screen prayer points, or some other form of invitation to pray. There will be no subscribe option to these posts – just check in each day from any time after 6am, and join in with that day’s prayer at some point during your day. We want to encourage the church family to be involved in the content as well as joining in the prayers, so there will be an added bonus of seeing some familiar and friendly faces from time to time!  

For this Lent period, we will be hosting a weekly Zoom prayer meeting for 45 minutes at 8pm each Wednesday evening where we will all focus our prayers on the overall theme for that week. The prayer meetings will be open to all, starting on 17th February, but excluding 10th March (for the church members meeting). CBC small groups are encouraged to join in this churchwide Zoom - either in lieu of their normal weekly meeting, or in addition to meeting on a separate occasion. 

Some people might like to consider joining in with some kind of fast on Wednesdays. It could be a fast from a meal, or from something else. There will be some teaching about this on February 14th. 

Lastly, as we approach Easter, you will be able to participate in an activity at the church where you will follow a prayer trail and stop at stations to pray, using our Lent teaching theme ‘Journey to the Cross’ based on Mark’s gospel as an aide, and with an activity at each station. 

Needless to say, these don’t have to be the only ways of praying. It would be great to hear of other ways you have prayed over the 6 weeks! 

We hope you can join us in prayer this Lent.  

The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray. – Samuel Chadwick

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Roger Hubert