Forward: Resilience (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 1st February

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1.   Have you used or encountered the word resilience being more widely used in the past year?  (I’ve just seen a Spiritual Resilience Mastermind programme in an email where ‘spiritual’ has no Christian connotations at all.)

2.   What does the word ‘resilience’ mean when talking about ourselves?
(Your answers can extend beyond ‘spiritual language’!)

3.   Read Matthew 13:55, Acts 7:1, 12:2,15:13, 21:18, Galatians 1:19, 2:9 & 2:12. Who was James and what kind of trials do you think he might have experienced?

4.   Read James 1:2-4 What different types of experience have people in your small group had that you would consider as ‘trials’.  (Avoid spiritual one-upmanship!)

5.   What consistency can you see between what James 1:2-4 (probably written between AD 46-49 and 1 Peter 1:6-9 (probably written about AD 63-64)

6.   Looking back on previous trials:

a.   What percentage have you counted as ‘pure joy’?

b.   Name any that produced perseverance and contributed to your Christian spiritual maturity

7.   Having considered this, what will you change in the future?


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