CBC Christmas Tree Appeal

The Christmas Tree Appeal has been an important part of how we celebrate Christmas at CBC for many years. Our Christmas tree starts the Advent season empty – usually the tree is found at the front of church, but this year we’ve brought it outside so that we can still join in with the appeal.

The tree represents a way for us to give to local and global causes, with each bauble representing a donation.

This year is no different, and we hope you will still want to get involved. The tree will be outside the front doors for everyone to enjoy. Every gift given will be represented by a new bauble.

This year we have chosen to give to two key causes. Firstly, a local cause, Chichester Foodbank. We know this year has been extremely tough for many people, and the foodbank do a fantastic job of ensuring that no-one in our local community has to face going hungry. Secondly, we will be supporting Tearfund’s Coronavirus Emergency Appeal. The pandemic has been tough to cope with here in the UK, but we recognise that communities in war-torn countries and refugee camps are even more vulnerable. Tearfund are using their existing links in these communities to bring life-saving support.

To make a donation to our Christmas Tree Appeal, please either use BACS. Our account details are: Account no. 40245232, Sort Code 20-20-62. Please make sure you use the reference “Christmas Tree Appeal” or use the ChurchSuite donate button below. Please make sure you select Christmas Tree appeal from the drop down menu. Thank You!


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