CBC Youth: Summer Update

Our DG team have done a great job at helping our young people stay connected using Zoom over the last few months. DGs will be taking a break for the summer term, and we have two other ways for our youth to connect over the summer.

1) Tuesday Night Live with Andy and Lindsey - an hour of fun for all CBC Youth (and youth team) on Zoom. This will take place over 3 Tuesdays through the holidays from 7-8pm (21st July, 4th and 18th August). This will include some special features and challenges that you can join in with from home (you may see us around pre-recording some things!) and a short Bible thought and prayer. No need to sign up or commit to every session. We will send the Zoom link out nearer the time and objects that you might need to join in with the challenges.

2) The camp we were going to go to DTI (dreaming the impossible) are going to be running DTI Streaming the Impossible on 31st July and 1st August.  We are really excited to be joining in. Please see the webpage for more information about this event for 12-18 year olds - https://dreamingtheimpossible.org. If you/ your young person would like to join then please sign up here - https://chichesterbaptist.churchsuite.co.uk/events/bx6ndmiv. Please don't sign up on the actual DTI site so I can sign you up. This is for two reasons, a) one so I know who is joining in and can send you any info about our own gatherings during this time, b) I have missed signing people up for events this year!

We dearly miss all the fun and games we have together in the summer term, but hope these ways of connecting will be both great fun and will help our young people connect with each other and our living God.

Andy Morgan