Discipleship Groups for Young People

I am really missing seeing our young people in person, but thanks to Zoom each week about 60 of our young people are still connecting via Zoom. At CBC we have a brilliant team of volunteer youth leaders, and the discipleship group leaders continue to run their groups online. Discipleship groups are for those in school year groups 6-13 wanting to explore and grow in the Christian faith and are a key part of our youth work at CBC.

Some games like ‘bring me’ have been a big hit and our young people have really appreciated seeing each other, with many parents commenting that for some it has become a highlight of the week. One group recently had a tour round Jerusalem when looking at the Easter Story (via screen share and a map) and another group had a news report of the Easter events involving multiple contributions (scripts sent beforehand). Prayer requests have been shared and as the picture above shows even a birthday was celebrated with fancy dress via Zoom (I may have been wearing my shorts). Spot the gosling! Unlike our church building Zoom has the helpful option to ‘mute’ members of the group and we are looking in to ways of getting this installed in several of the church rooms for when we are meeting back together in person. All joking aside, we want to continue to encourage our young people to look to Jesus in this unsettling time and pray these groups can play their part in helping our young people stay connect to God and to each other.

This Sunday we are looking forward to some of our youth contributing to our online service too. If you have a young person who would like to connect to one of our discipleship groups then please contact andy@chichesterbaptist.org.uk.

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