Online Service 4/10/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

As we spend time considering the cross today we begin with a song that fits that theme so well. ‘Thank You for the cross, where You gave Your life for me.’


A warm welcome to students and young adults!

Here’s news of a group that could be really helpful to you.


We come to the cross together

Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all



Our reading for today is Romans 5:6-10 and can be found here



A talk option for children


Questions for you

1. You’ve heard of some new Christians who are living in another country with a hostile environment, where all electronic communication is monitored. Someone you know is (without circumventing COVID-19 regulations) going there on a business trip. They’ve offered to carry a letter for you. What would you write to them?

2. In his talk, Ian mentioned four words from Romans 5:6-10 that Paul uses to describe our situation before we became believers in Christ: Powerless, Ungodly, Sinners, Enemies. Dwell on any one of those words for a few minutes. What is the extent of God’s love to you that he would reach out for you in this state?

I cast my mind to Calvary

We close today with members of the CBC worship team. They bring us this wonderful song of response to God’s great plan of salvation, through Christ and the cross.


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