Online Service 05/04/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

We’re planning something special with this song for the whole church family to get involved with in the coming weeks. If you don’t know it here’s a chance to get the hang of it. I know loads of you do know it, so no excuses. GET MOVING AND SING IT OUT!


A song of God’s provision

You delight to pour Your goodness down. (Recorded at CBC before current social distancing guidelines).



Our reading for today is Matthew 21:1-11. Audio of whole chapter.



Speaker's Note: Under the pressure of the camera (!) I say in the talk that the disciples fetch the donkey from Jerusalem. Jesus actually tells them to get the donkey from Bethphage or a village beyond. If you want to read the parallel accounts they can be found in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 1:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, John 12:12-16.


A talk option for children


Click HERE for the children’s resource for today.

A moment to respond


Questions for you

1. Jesus is Lord and King. Pick one aspect of Christian discipleship from the list below that you find challenging in the current lockdown circumstances. What challenges you?

  • Family

  • Leisure

  • Money

  • Relationships

  • Time

  • Witness

  • Work

  • Worship

2. Think about your expectations for the next few months. Does life feel as if it is on hold to some extent? Reflect on the statement, "If we are waiting for the wrong thing, when it comes we will be disappointed, or even angry." Who, or what, should we wait for?

3. What we watch or listen to can affect our mood. For example, a diet of news coverage might make us anxious or pessimistic. Who, or what, are you listening to most at the moment? How might you adjust your input, if you need to? (Philippians 4:8)

To close - new song of the week!

With every breath that I am able. I will sing of the goodness of God


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