Online Service 12/07/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

This new song was a real hit in the online service recently, so by popular demand here it is again. Pick a part (or all three) and sing it out wherever you are!


Moving in our midst..

We sing this song today as we consider Jesus the miracle worker, not constrained by location but present with us, wherever we are. Moving in our midst….



As a church family, we were delighted to be able to welcome some wonderful new people into membership at CBC this week and together they bring us our reading today. Press play below to hear them read. Head here for the text.




A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

Questions for you

1. In the absence of meeting with others in the building are you finding surprising or new ways of meeting with God? What is helping you connect with God in this season we are in?

2. The man is lying by a pool that was well-known for healing. His encounter with Jesus shows that it is Jesus, not a particular place, that makes the difference. We don’t have a theology of ‘sacred spaces’: WE are the church not the building. How can understanding this help us at a time when access to our building is limited?

A closing song

Our closing song has really resonated with so many when it has been included in our services through the lockdown period. Once again it seems so appropriate to close with this song today. Ellen encouraged us to reflect on the grace of God. To remind ourselves of His kindness and goodness, so let’s sing these words out together.


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