Online Service 19/04/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

You are here, moving in our midst…

(filmed before current social distancing measures)


A song for today

Though oceans roar, You are the Lord of all, the One who calms the wind and waves and makes my heart be still



Our reading for today is brought to us by members of one of our valued Home Groups at CBC. Press play to hear the reading and also a text version can be found here.




Speaker's Note: 

In one illustration I refer to water in the car making a noise, on reflection it is probably the fuel in the car I hear not the water, isn’t it? Hopefully the illustration still stands!

For any visiting us you might also like to know, for a point I make later, our fantastic church caretaker has the surname ‘Heron’.

A talk option for children


Click here for some great children’s activities.

Questions for you

1. Ken has suggested that in reading the whole of Psalm 46 we will find things that fit our context. Is this true for you? In what ways?

2. Is this a season where pause is easier or harder for you? Why? Does your personality type thrive or struggle with pause before prayer?

3. ‘Our souls are like shy wild animals’ – afraid to come out when there is noise and activity. Has this been your experience?

A song to help us pause and reflect as we close

We stand on holy ground…….Be still


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