Online Service 27/09/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Another week, another wedding and another day overflowing with joy! Huge congratulations to Josh and Jodie Smith. Married yesterday at CBC.


Let’s worship together

Let’s have some fun and enjoy this song today which sets up our theme and celebrates the King of an amazing Kingdom. Put down that bacon sandwich and get moving in your pyjamas!!


Reckless love

A hallmark of God and His Kingdom is a love that knows no bounds. ‘There’s no shadow You won’t light up, mountain You won’t climb up, coming after me’.



Go here for our reading for today. Mark 1:15



A talk option for children


Questions for you

1. What word associations come to mind when you think about the phrase ‘a Kingdom’?

2. Andy used an analogy with two hoops to help us understand the now and the not-yet of the Kingdom. Was that helpful? Are there other analogies or explanations that help you make sense of Jesus’ teaching that the Kingdom is here but still to come?

3. During this pandemic how have you seen Christians and churches be part of bringing the Kingdom to bear? How can we be demonstrators of the Kingdom this week?

Build Your Kingdom here!

Through this whole week and through today’s service we have considered the Kingdom of God. Here, in our final song today, we sing out a prayer to see that amazing Kingdom be built and grow among us, right here, right now.


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