Online Service 28/06/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

In recent weeks CBC in Bosham have been able to meet for a couple of Sunday morning live online services. These have been really joyful occasions and here’s one of the highlights. Sing along and get moving!

(apologies for the watermark across the video)


O praise the Name!

A chance to join again with members of the CBC worship team as we sing out these words of praise to our God together



Here’s our reading today from one of our valued small groups at CBC. To hear press play below. Head here for the text.




A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

A moment to respond


Questions for you

1. Anxieties and fears comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes and are different for each one of us. What are some of your common anxieties and fears, and how do they affect your everyday living?

2. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night (verse 2), suggesting that he was afraid of being seen publicly with Jesus (see also verses 19-21). To what extent does your association with Jesus, and what others might think, make you anxious? How does it affect your behaviour?

3. Jesus exposes Nicodemus’ motives for coming to him (verse 3) and his lack of understanding (verses 10-15). John later comments that our actions are also exposed by God’s light (verses 19-21). What are some of responses we might have to the idea that God knows everything about us?

A closing song

Today was the first in our new series ‘Encounters’. Encounters with Jesus can leave the deepest impact. They did 2000 years ago and continue to do so today. Light of the world You stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes, let me see….


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