Searching within (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 22nd June

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. Psalm 139 is a great Psalm to use devotionally. You could spend some time at the beginning of your meeting reading it through together and turning the phrases and promises back to God in prayers of praise and thanks.

2. The first point of Ellen’s message was that ‘We are Known’. God is omniscient (‘all knowing’) - as His followers we are known and loved entirely by Him. Does this have extra resonance and help for you in this lockdown season that we are in? And if so, how?

3. Read v23-24 again. The verses before these suggest that David does a self-check here. Ellen said that David knew he couldn’t ask for things to be made right in the nation without asking God to make things right in himself first. Why is this?

4. When we ask God to search our heart, He highlights what is wrong in us and transforms us as we allow him to. We are changed. Why is this such an important aspect of our discipleship?

5. David was asking God to reveal to him his own blind spots. Are there blind spots of your own that need confessing? How do we find out what our own blind spots are?

6. Ellen applied these verses to the Black Lives Matter movement. Does anyone have any reflections on what Bruno Kondabeka shared (either in the message or the fuller interview on the blog)?

7. What should and can our response be to this important issue as Christians? It would be good to discuss this together and spend time praying about it.

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