Online Service 21/06/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

We begin today’s worship with a real burst of joy!



Our reading today is Psalm 139. Press play below to hear it read by one of our valued small groups. Head here for the text.




If you would like to watch the whole of Andy’s interview with Bruno Kondabeka click here

A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

A moment to respond


Questions for you

1. We are known and loved entirely by God - He is omniscient (‘All-knowing’). Does this have extra resonance and help for you in this lockdown season that we are in?

2. When we ask God to search our heart, He highlights what is wrong in us and transforms us as we allow him to. Is this a prayer you can pray? Are there blind spots of your own that need confessing?

3. Ellen applied these verses to the Black Lives Matter UK movement. What should and can our response be to this important issue as Christians?

A prayer to sing in response

A song that will help us continue to respond together today. ‘Search me Lord and know my heart….’ Take me back to where we started, I open up my heart to You.


Amazing Grace

There seemed no other more appropriate song to close today’s service than this one. The timeless words of the reformed slave-trader John Newton who ‘checked his blind spot’, let the power of God flood in to change him from the inside out, and wrote the words that 250 years later we can sing together today. ‘I was blind but now I see’.


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