Ask (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 4th May

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

As you start your group you could open in prayer reminding each other who we ask in prayer by praising God for who he is. In addition to ‘Our Father’ invite the group to list other names for our God.

1.     In Luke 18: 1-8 Jesus tells the story of the persistent Widow, to encourage his disciples to never give up praying together. (You may wish to watch the edition of this done be the Jones’ as part of the children’s option from this week’s service and/or to read together). What does this parable teach us about the nature of the one we are asking? How does it encourage us to keep asking?

2.     From the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) Andy encouraged us to Ask Big as well as Ask Small. What wider issues or places in our world are you praying about at the moment? Could you share something that would help inform and inspire your group to be joining you in praying for these wider issues?

3.     The Lord’s Prayer is a collective prayer and includes bringing our own needs to God. ‘Give us today our Daily Bread’ (Matthew 6:11). Share your own needs with each other as a group that we can be praying for.

4.     Jesus encouraged his disciples to ‘ask and keep on asking’ (Matthew 7:7), to not give up in prayer. How can you keep on asking this week?

5.     Andy reminded us of our need to ask and give forgiveness regularly. Perhaps take a moment to do this together ‘And forgive us our debts,  as we also have forgiven our debtors. (v12)’.

6.     We are aware of a good number of guests ‘visiting’ our church and many other churches at this time. Are there particularly people that you can be asking God would draw to himself at this time?  

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