Online Service 03/05/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

Today we continue in our series on prayer and as we consider the word ASK, our opening song kick starts our worship and sets the context. Our God is the Giver of Life who delights to pour His goodness down. sing it out and raise the roof wherever you are!

(Recorded before current social distancing measures)


So will I

Something special for today’s service. Ella O’Keefe one of the young people in our church family sings this amazing song. Sit, stand, kneel, listen in stillness, or sing it out. Respond however you are prompted. Make it your prayer. For if everything exists to lift You high, so will I.


The Lord’s Prayer

To reflect the theme of today’s service, press play to hear the Lord’s Prayer read to us by some of the young people from the CBC family




A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

Questions for you

1.     From the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) Andy encouraged us to Ask Big as well as Ask Small. What wider issues or places in our world are you praying about at the moment? Could you share in the comments something that would help inform and inspire others to be praying for these wider issues?

2.     Jesus encouraged his disciples to ‘ask and keep on asking’ (Matthew 7:7), to not give up in prayer. How can you keep on asking this week?

3.     The Lord’s Prayer is a collective prayer and includes bringing our own needs to God: ‘Give us today our daily bread’ (Matthew 6:11). Who could you connect with this week and pray for/with?

A final song of hope and joy

A song of hope, commitment and celebration to close our service today. All our days are in His faithful hands!


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