Previously... (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 18th May

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. “We have the equivalent of ‘previously…’ in God’s word.” Do you have a key ‘previously…’ passage in God’s word that brings you peace today?

2. There is the danger of looking back with ‘rose-tinted spectacles’ like God’s people complaining to Moses in the wilderness. How do we remember the positives of yesterday with thankfulness without exaggerating them beyond reality?

3. It is never too late to thank God for a past event. What do you want to thank him for today?

4. We also have our own personal ‘previously…’ experiences. Many of us have times which we can look back on and be thankful for God’s provision and presence. Does anyone have key examples they often look back on?

5. Ken indicated that being retrospectively thankful is a choice. It often starts with a decision and resolve rather than a feeling. Agree or disagree?

6. Verses 11 and 12 imply more than general thanks, but in addition listing and speaking out our thankfulness. Why not do this exercise today?

7. Ken listed some things he is retrospectively thankful for in the ‘previously…’ of CBC.  What would you add to the list?

8. ‘It seems to me that some of the by-products of thankfulness to God are selflessness and confidence and peace.’ Are there any other by-products of thankfulness – can you add to that list?

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