Online Service 17/05/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

So many have enjoyed The Blessing song that we featured as part of our online service last week. We are delighted to be able to open our worship this week with another wonderful version of the song featuring children from across the world.


A song from the Psalms

Though oceans roar You are the Lord of all, the One who calms the wind and waves and makes my heart be still.



Our reading for today is Psalm 77 brought to us by one of our CBC home groups with some brilliant help from the junior members! Press play to listen or follow this link for a text version.




A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

Questions for you

1. We have the equivalent of ‘previously…’ in God’s word.” Do you have a key ‘previously…’ passage in God’s word that brings you peace today?

2. Ken indicated that being retrospectively thankful is a choice. It often starts with a decision and resolve rather than a feeling. Agree or disagree?

3. Verses 11 and 12 imply more than general thanks, but in addition listing and speaking out our thankfulness. Why not do this exercise today?

A closing song

A final song to help us look back with thankfulness together


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