Searching for God (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 8th June

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. “Everybody’s looking for something” sang the Eurythmics in their breakthrough hit Sweet Dreams in 1983. What do you think most people are searching for?

Read Psalm 19.

2. In verses 1-4 David describes a recurring message from the skies in everyone’s language. In Romans 1:20 Paul states that, “since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Why do you think some people don’t receive or don’t understand the message?

3. In verses 5-6 David gives one example of God’s glorious creation – the sun. What examples of God’s creation stir you to worship?

4. In verses 7-11 David spells out some of the benefits of God’s Word in his own experience. What benefits have you experienced from reading God’s Word?

5. The heavens declare the glory of God (verse 1). God’s Word makes wise the simple (verse 7) and gives light to the eyes (verse 8). Do you agree with the suggestion that what we are searching for is right in front of us in the form of creation and the Scriptures?

6. In verses 12-14 David describes his response to God’s revelation. What response do God’s Creation and God’s Word draw from you?

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