Online Service 07/06/2020


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

Today in our service we spend time with Psalm 19, so lift your voice and sing out this song inspired by that terrific Psalm!


An Alpha interview

Here’s an interview highlighting the impact an Alpha course can have!


Please don’t hesitate to jump onboard our upcoming Alpha course online. You would be so warmly welcomed. To sign up or for more info head here

When I survey

Here’s a wonderful version of this song put together by students from across the world. Can you spot the CBC involvement? As we join in let’s remember to be praying for students in our church family and beyond with the challenges they face at this present time.



Our reading for today is Psalm 19 brought to us by one of the CBC home groups. Press play below to hear them read this wonderful Psalm. Find the text here.




A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

Questions for you

1. “Everybody’s looking for something” sang the Eurythmics in their breakthrough hit Sweet Dreams in 1983. What do you think most people are searching for?

2. The heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1). God’s Word makes wise the simple (Psalm 19:7) and gives light to the eyes (Psalm 19:8). Do you agree with the suggestion that what we are searching for is right in front of us in the form of creation and the Scriptures?

3. In Psalm 19:12-14 David describes his response to God’s revelation. What response do God’s Creation and God’s Word draw from you?

A final song to get us moving!

I know this one’s a favourite for many of the CBC family and as we’ve spent time considering creation in Psalm 19 it’s the perfect song to close today. So sing along and don’t forget to get moving as well. If you can’t remember the actions just make them up - we can’t see you at home!


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