ENCOUNTERS: The Woman at a Well (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 6th July

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

Read John 4: 1-42

1. What stands out for you about this encounter? What does it make you think and feel?

2. This conversation occurred in a frontline, everyday place. Where is your equivalent? How might this story encourage you to behave and speak in that place?

3. What do you think about the idea that this passage challenges us to break through social barriers in our encounters with others? What does this mean in practice and how do we do this as individuals and as a church community?

4. What do we learn from the way Jesus speaks to this stranger? Can you identify any ideas that you can incorporate into your own conversations with others?

5. This encounter reveals to us what Jesus was like as a person and who he is. What qualities and characteristics do you observe and how does that challenge us?

6. What do you think Jesus meant by living water (verse 10) and how do we receive this thirst-quenching gift? If you recognise your need for more of this living water, then spend some time praying for each other

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