Online Service 05/07/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

Here’s a cracking new tune that encourages us to be brave as we take aim at some of the ‘giants’ we face. ‘When I feel little like little David, You’re the power in my SLINGSHOT!’


The lifter of our heads!

In today’s service we meet a woman who’s whole perspective and heart is changed through a life-changing encounter with Jesus and, as we sing in this song, she meets ‘the lifter of her head’. Pray that your head and heart might be lifted towards Him as we sing today.



Our reading for today is once again brought to us by one of the CBC small groups. Hear them read below. For the text head here.




A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

Questions for you

1. What stands out for you about this encounter? What does it make you think and feel?

2. This conversation occurred in a frontline, everyday place. Where is your equivalent? How might this story encourage you to behave and speak in that place?

3. What do you think about the idea that this passage challenges us to break through social barriers in our encounters with others? What does this mean in practice and how do we do this as individuals and as a church community?

A closing song

Louise said that we have a choice. Do we accept the invitation to come to the well and drink deep and accept the gift of life? If our answer is ‘yes’ our final song is a celebration to sing out from our hearts, a celebration of the well that never runs dry, the Giver of Life who ‘delights to pour His goodness down!’


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