Gospel DNA - Jesus is all we have: Acts 3: 1-10 (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 27th July

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. Ellen began by talking about values and our CBC values. One key value for us is that we are committed to being a church that is ‘Missionally Shaped’. Why is thisa foundational value for us as a church? What are the challenges in this unique season of maintaining this as a value and priority?

(For anyone who is interested, excerpts of the Sunday message from March 2020 about our values and some headings can be found here:


2. Read verse 1. Peter and John were going about their normal day. It would have been their practice to pray at 3pm at the temple. God interrupted their everyday normal life to work powerfully through them.

What is your everyday place? How can you make space for Jesus to interrupt you there and use you?

3. This story comes immediately after Pentecost, where thousands were coming to the Christian faith through the ministry of the disciples. Here in Acts 3 we move from the narrative of thousands coming to faith straight into this story of one.

The Kingdom of God is about the individual. Can you think of other scriptures or Bible stories which confirm this? (eg Luke 15: 7, Matt 6: 26-30, Romans 10:13)

Are there particular individuals God is prompting you to reach out to and offer hope & help to?

4. This series ‘Gospel DNA’ will help us think about what the heart of the gospel is and what church can look like as we navigate an uncertain future. The landscape of our communities and churches will have changed because of Covid.

It would be good to share and pray together about the future. What would God have our church be like going forwards? We have a chance to press reset – what could that look like? How might he be calling us to work out our faith together as a community in the future?

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