Online Service 26/07/20


Hi everyone! A warm welcome to the CBC online service.


Let’s worship together

It was loads of fun this week on the CBC Holiday club treasure trail and hope you’ll be having fun as you sing along and get moving to our first song today!


Give thanks to the Lord!

Those who made it through the treasure trail were not only rewarded with a whole pack of sweets, they also pieced together the timeless words from Psalm 136 that we can sing out together now. His love endures forever!



Our reading for today is from Acts and is brought to us by some members of the Bosham men’s prayer group (old and young!). Press play to hear them read. Go here for the text.




A talk option for children


Click here for the children’s resource for today.

Questions for you

1. Ellen said that God wants to use us and work through us in our everyday places. What is your everyday place? How can you make space for Jesus to interrupt you there and use you?

2. The kingdom of God is about a commitment to the individual. The first miracle after Pentecost is the healing of just one man. Are there particular individuals God is prompting you to reach out to and offer hope & help to?

A closing song

Jesus -the Lion and the Lamb. All we have yet all we need.



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