Forward: Provision (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 18th January.

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. As we look forward together, what are the challenges that you/ we face at the moment?

Read Exodus 3:7-4:17 (depending on the time you have, you may want to read the whole passage together, or simply refer to the passage and ask everyone to have it open in front of them).

2. What has God promised to do in 3:7-9?

3. In 3:10 The Lord reveals that Moses is the man to lead this mission. Put yourself in his shoes. How do you think he feels? (The rest of the passage will give you some clues).

4. What are the 5 excuses that he comes up with as to why he isn’t the man for the job (3:11, 3:13, 4:1, 4:10 and 4:13)?

God provided what Moses needed by providing His Presence (3:12), His Name (3:14), His Signs (4:3-9), His Help (4:12) and His People (4:14-17). God too is our provider. (You may wish to explore each of these).

5. What do you think God wants to say to us through this passage today?

6. How does it help us to move forwards into the year ahead?

 A Prayer

Almighty God, As we move forward into 2021, and the challenges it brings fill us again with an awareness of your presence. Thank you that you live within us by your Spirit. Thank you that your name is the greatest name. We praise you. Please show me signs of your grace this week and help me with the challenges that I face. This week show me who I can help and encourage, and please send others to help me when I need it too. Amen.


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