Forward: Living without Regret (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 8th February

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. “Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can’t build on it; it’s only good for wallowing in.” (Katherine Mansfield, author). Do you agree?

2. Read Matthew 26:31-35. To what extent do you think Peter set himself up for a fall with his confident claims of loyalty? Do you think Peter experienced more regret over his failure than the other disciples?

Read John 21:15-22.

3. Jesus asks Peter if he loves him (agapaō, typically to love with mind and will). Twice Peter replies that he does love Jesus (phileō, typically, to love with affection). On the third occasion, Jesus asks Peter if he loves (phileō) him, and Peter replies with the same word. How would you feel during this conversation if you were Jesus? How would you feel if you were Peter?

4. Jesus gives Peter the mission of pastoring his church (“Feed my lambs”, “Take care of my sheep”, “Feed my sheep”). How might Peter’s failure and subsequent restoration shape his future ministry?

5. Have you ever experienced a ‘failure’ that has led to something good?

6. Jesus reissues his call to Peter to follow him (compare verse 22 with Matthew 4:19). To follow Jesus is to be his disciple, a learner. What have you learnt during this ‘Forward’ series?

Reflect on what you have learnt, and turn of some of this into praise and prayer.

Author: Roger Hubert


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