Come Follow (Small Group Study)

Small Group Study, week commencing 26th April

Click here for a PDF version of these questions.

1. What kind of invitation would get you excited? How does it make you feel when you receive a beautifully calligraphed invitation? Share an example of receiving an invite that got you excited – if you have one!

 Read Matthew 4:18-22.

 2. In the first century, a young man with potential might approach a rabbi to become his disciple. How do you think the four fisherman would have felt when Jesus called them to follow him? Do you think of discipleship more as a burden or as a privilege?

 3. Peter and Andrew (verse 20), and James and John (verse 22), left what they were doing “at once” and “immediately”. Why do you think Matthew emphasises this? Why do we sometimes delay responding to an invitation?

 4. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” The apostle Paul considered fishing for people, and catching some, a joy and a blessing (Philippians 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:9). Was this instruction just for the first disciples, or for us too? What do you think or feel about the instruction to “fish for people”?

 5. Spend a few minutes prayerfully meditating on Jesus’ invitation to “come”. What is uppermost in your mind when you do this – the privilege, the responsibility, or the blessing that comes with responding, “Yes, I will come”? Turn your thoughts and feelings into prayer.

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